Travertine Grey
Ideal for paving any type of exterior, the travertine grey limestone ends up being different from the others due to its remarkable characteristics. Adaptable to any type of surface, the Travertine stone is adequate to spaces of great affluence. As well as its unique texture integrates personality into the stone itself, its horizontal veins are also characteristic. One can observe these variations not only in grey but also in beige.
Abrasive treatments with repeated applications result in a shiny surface, highlights the colour and properties of the natural stone.
A honed finish is identical to the polished finish, the surface is smooth but without glare or light reflections.
Blasting silica sand against the material through an air gun and generates very small craters.
Rough and irregular surface with small furrows and undulations in a mate tone.
Internal Flooring
External Flooring
Internal Coverings
External Coverings